Talking Voices is part of the Hearing Voices Network which is an independent charity whose ethos and values are outlined below. In the world of hearing voices the network of groups stands as a distinct and very different organisation to that of the Mental Health Services in terms of culture, ethos, philosophy and values.
All groups which come together to focus on voices and visions are, of course, entitled to describe themselves as hearing voices groups but, unless they uphold the ethos and values of the Hearing Voices Network, not all hearing voices groups are entitled to call themselves a part of the Hearing Voices Network, and as such we at Talking Voices:
- Accept that voices and visions are real experiences
- Accept that people are not any the less for having voices and visions
- Respect each member as an expert
- Encourage an ethos of self-determination
- Value ordinary, non-professionalised language
- Are free to interpret experiences in any way
- Are free to challenge social norms
- Sanction the freedom to talk about anything not just voices and visions
- Are a self-help group and not a clinical group offering treatment
- Focus primarily on sharing experiences, support and empathy
- Our members are not subject to referral, discharge or risk assessment
- Our members are able to come and go as they want without repercussions
- Our members welcome the fact that most facilitators are also voices hearers.
In addition to the above we are aim to:
- Accept people as they are
- Make no assumption of illness
- Be a social group not a therapy group
- Develop a community to which people belong
- Uphold equality between everyone in the group including the facilitators
- Make all the decisions collectively
- Decide on the limits to confidentiality not the facilitator
- Work out problems collectively
- Hold responsibility for the group, not the facilitator
- Allow members join for as long as it suits them
- Be open to people not using mental health services
- Have openness to people from other geographical areas
- Not meet within a clinical setting
- Ensure our facilitators are not under pressure to report back to anyone outside the group
- Become a user-run group
Hearing Voices Groups are based firmly on an ethos of self help, mutual respect and empathy. They provide a safe space for people to share their experiences and support one another. They are peer support groups, involving social support and belonging, not therapy nor treatment. However, groups do offer an opportunity for people to accept and live with their experiences in a way that helps them regain some power over their lives.
Hearing Voices Groups welcome the diversity of experiences and views of their members. Part of the ethos and values of hearing voices groups is rather than seeing one belief system as more valid than another, all explanations for voices and visions are valued. There is no assumption of illness or diagnosis. Groups recognise that all members have expertise to contribute to the group, no one member is more important than another.
All Hearing Voices Groups are centred around the needs and aspirations of their members. Rather than being solely focused on voices and visions, group members are welcome to talk about any issue that is important to them.
Hearing Voices Groups recognise the importance of being user-centred and are working towards being truly user-led. Each member has an important part to play in determining the direction of the group, keeping it healthy and upholding its ethos.
All Hearing Voices Groups should be as confidential as possible, with members being fully aware if there are any limits to this. Wherever possible, what is discussed within the group stays within the group (both in person groups and online groups).
The membership of most groups is purely made up of people with lived experience of voices, visions and other unusual sensory perceptions. Some groups have open sessions that welcome family members and/or supporters too. Some groups focus on a particular group (people from specific cultural groups, genders or ages, for example). Others are open to all.
The network includes groups in a range of settings, including: independent community groups; voluntary sector organisations; mental health teams; inpatient units; secure mental health units; prisons.
Whilst some groups are 100% user-led, with all facilitators having personal experience of voice-hearing, others are facilitated by people with a combination of personal and professional experience. In some settings, groups may be facilitated completely by people with professional, but not personal, experience. Whilst these groups are no less valuable than any other, the Hearing Voices Network would always encourage them to find ways of more actively involving people with personal experience in their running and facilitation.
“Hearing Voices” is an umbrella phrase that includes many different perceptions to most people don’t experience including voices, visions, touch, sensed presence, smell and taste.
The above is a copy of the HVN Values & Ethos, and Group Charter.

Chichester Harbour